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Home page Products Discontinued lines and special offers

Discontinued lines and special offers

Discontinued lines and special offers

...this page is updated periodically and includes, among others, discontinued products or non-critical items at end of shelf-life

The products shown in this area of Lab-Club® are updated as and when items are removed from our regular stock and transferred here. Some examples are:


Glass columns: occasionally the Diba (formerly Omnifit) columns are modified. Stock of previous product lines is then offered at reduced prices.


Lamps: some lamps have an official shelf lIfe, meaning that they must be installed within a certain period after manufacture. In many cases, they remain useable long after this date. We then offer the lamps with a high discount.


We've decided to remove Laboratory glass, Laboratory plastics, Life Sciences consumables and Pipette tips from our product portfolio. Please visit the categories for further information.